
Qinghai Kingho Group Holds 2012 Annual Office Work Conference

來源: Qinghai Kingho Group
編輯: 阿勇
發(fā)布時間: 2013-01-07
訪問量: 5054

From Qinghai Kingho Group (Correspondents: Liu Yan and Yue Weiguo) On the afternoon of December 27, 2012, the 2012 Annual Office Work Conference was held in Qinghai Kingho Group. Leaders of the Group, including Ding Ping, Xu Tianlong, Lv Liqun, Liu Jiansheng, Wu Zhijun, Lei Zhengrong, Wang Jun, Liu Shufeng, Li Yongqiang, Dai Changli and Jin Jingchun were present at the meeting. More than 180 staff members from functional departments of office, Sales Company, Supply Company and Property Management Company affiliated to the Group attended the meeting. Quan Guojun, assistant general manager of the group presided at the meeting.
At the meeting, the person in charge of each department of office delivered a report on the completion of work, problems and difficulties in 2012 and key points of work in 2013. Xu Tianlong, deputy general manager and chief engineer of the Group, announced the decision on commemorating advanced individuals in the offices of the Group and the leaders of the Group awarded prizes as advanced individuals of office.
Finally, Ding Ping, general manager of the Group, made an important speech. He pointed out that the Group was confronted with dual pressure including sharp decline of product price, obvious reduction of market demand, integration of enterprises in the Muli Mining Area and serious constraints in coal production. It was the most difficult year for production management. However, under such difficult economic situations, leaders, cadres and staff members at each level united and overcame difficulties together, making each work maintain a trend of stability and development basically. Also, Ding gave a full recognition and positive evaluation on all the work performed by offices in 2012 and expressed his thanks on behalf of the Group to cadres and staff members.
Ding analyzed the issues in office work by explaining difficult concepts simply, gave instructions to the office work of the Group and put forward specific requirements. He hoped that cadres and employees should increase further their sense of risks and urgency, continuously enhance the specialized management function of offices, further build up the sense of mission and responsibility, obey and provide excellent services for the production and construction of the Group and promote all work of office in the Group to reach a new level. Also, he proposed six demands for the work in the next year: 1. keeping alert all the time and vigilant in peace time; 2. exercising self-discipline and scrupulously abiding by the duty; 3. being loyal to the enterprise, thankful and struggling; 4. working hard and improve abilities; 5. enhancing supervision and concentrating on implementation; 6. increasing confidence and cooperating with others.
Ding emphasized, only if cadres and employees maintained vigorous passion and vitality and looked at various issues in the eye of development, Qinghai Kingho Group would fully accomplish various targets of tasks in the following year and the work of the Group would reach a new level in the coming new year. Five advanced individuals from the Comprehensive Office of Organ, Party and Government of the Group in 2012, including Zhou Dong, were commended at the meeting.